Review Policy

About My Reviews:  My reviews include cover art, publication details, a description, and my own thoughts on the book. Publication details and the description (synopsis) are from Goodreads and/or Amazon. Although I do not rate books unless specifically required to when posting to Amazon/, I try to provide a mini-review at the beginning to summarize my opinion of the book.

The Books: The majority of the books reviewed on my blog are purchased by me, a small percent were given to me (won in contests, gifts, etc.), and some were checked out from my local library. I receive very few books from authors or publishers, so the vast majority of the books reviewed here are already available on shelves in your local bookstore or on various online sites, which I do my best to link to.

What I read: I read primarily young adult; science fiction; and fantasy, including all things paranormal and steampunk. However, I do read outside of those genres, so there will be reviews up of whatever I feel like reading. One thing you more than likely will not see here is non-fiction, unless it sounds absolutely phenomenal and really intrigues me, or unless I get a request to review it. Also, I do not usually read biographies/memoirs, although I absolutely adored Simon Pegg's.

If a book is part of a series, I will not read it if I have not read the previous books. I prefer to read a series as the author intended them to be read. If I have read a previous book in a series but have not reviewed it, I will give a mini-review of the previous book(s) before posting my thoughts on the newest release.

Review Copies: I am more than happy to accept review copies from authors and/or publishers. I am also open to hosting contests and having author interviews. If you are interested in sending me a copy of your book or wish to do an interview, please email me at

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