Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Brave New Blog

Hello, lovelies. Welcome to the new blog!

I've got a number of things going on in my life right now, so things are a little crazier than usual.

Writing has never been better for me. I've been Fast Drafting with a few other people, and, while I haven't gotten anywhere near the 20 pages per day goal, I have been making good progress pretty much every day. I've written more in the last week than I have in a month, and I couldn't be more excited. It's a YA and is completely different than anything I've written before style-wise.

I'm also in the process of moving from a small town in Arkansas to a small town in Oklahoma, so that's fun. Finding the energy to pack my entire life into boxes has been difficult, but the hardest part was moving my cats to the new place last week. I wanted them to have time to adjust before they had to deal with people moving things and stomping in and out. Unfortunately, that means living without them for a couple of weeks, which has been most lonely. The job hunt has been a mixed bag: there are jobs, but none of them sound all that appealing, meaning I'll probably end up with something for the summer until I get situated and what not. I miss working in libraries, so fingers crossed I find something there. Or a slot opens in the symphony for a horn or cellist. I miss making music.

In the reading department I'm having trouble connecting to anything. I keep picking up books I was excited about when I bought them and then putting them down. It's not that they're bad or the writing isn't polished, I'm just not connecting to them. But hopefully it's just a phase or can be blamed on my hectic life right now, because I really want to read something that knocks me off my feet.

Anywho, this is the new blog. It's for me this time, so expect to hear about my life and my cats and my writing and my publishing journey and maybe even the Boyfriend and always, of course, books. Thanks for stopping by!

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