Friday, May 6, 2016


I am a terrible blogger. In my defense, life is crazy, but I never can seem to stick to my intended schedules, especially since I don't have a set work schedule or anything. I had these big plans of reviewing regularly on here, and then I came to the realization that I don't really care for writing reviews any more and that I couldn't make a big enough difference doing that anyway, so yeah. I may write to tell you guys about books I've read recently, but I don't think I'll do formal reviews any more; it just doesn't feel right.

In other news, I have done absolutely no writing. Because life. I don't have a place to write (yes, I could go to the library, but I already work there and it isn't conducive to writing for me), not even at home (because there are three people and three cats in a two bedroom apartment...), so that's been frustrating; it's even made it hard to work on Tea Tree things. Ugh. I'm still in school but switching programs to one that seems to fit me and my goals a bit better; of course that means that I've basically wasted the last year because those classes now count for nothing. WOO. So I'll start this new program in the fall, and then in about two years when I'm finished with that, I'll start a program for school library media. I think it's official that I'm going to be a profession student.

But for now it's summer, which mean working as many hours as I'm allowed and reading every book I can get my hands on. I'm currently at 14 books for the year, but that's pretty much just February and March. I've got some catching up to do on that front and need to buckle down for Tea Tree and my own writing. Hopefully I can make it back here regularly and form some new habits. We'll see; no promises this time. (Because I'm seriously bad about breaking them.)

Also, Captain America is pretty awesome, so go see it.

And Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful women who make the world go round. <3


  1. I started a new blog finally. I wanted to write a blog post of substance today but, of course, technological difficulties! Getting it off the ground and running was all I had time for. I'm excited to just ... vent and stuff.

    I know what you mean about formal reviews no longer feeling "right." Maybe it's the whole blogging thing, I don't know. What is blogging anymore? Why did the internet phase it out? Stupid internet.

    But, I do like hearing about what you're reading. :) Conversational reviews sounds good to me.

    You've done much more reading than I have. It's really sad. I've read like.... 3 books? It's bad. But, I've been listening to a lot of history podcasts, so this is how I rationalize it to myself, that it's okay. I'm still learning...

    1. I signed off the blog because I was trying not to jinx some job news I had, so I'm sorry I missed (clearly I need to fix my notifications too!). But I'm heading over to your blog right now to check it out!

      And yeah, maybe it is the format of blogging that doesn't mesh with reviews for me anymore but I just really prefer to talk books rather than stand up at a podium and critique them, I guess.

      As for reading, I've been trying really hard to up my numbers this year I feel like I stopped reading when I stopped writing and that just doesn't work for me. I need to be involved with books at least on some level.
